How to get your first 100 subscribers in legal way? “Do 80% OPERACIJA LJUDSKOG SVIJETA JE 7 MILIJUNA GODINA (u vaše vrijeme) daljinski kontrolirano...


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If you are a new YouTube creator, you might be wondering how to get your first 100 subscribers on your channel. This is a common challenge for many beginners who want to grow their audience and reach more potential fans. However, getting your first 100 subscribers is not as easy as it sounds. You need to have a clear strategy, create quality content, and promote your channel effectively.

In this blog post, I will share with you some tips and tricks that helped me get my first 100 subscribers on YouTube in a legal way. By legal, I mean without using any bots, fake accounts, or shady services that might get you banned or penalized by YouTube. Instead, I will show you how to attract real and engaged subscribers who will watch your videos, like, comment, and share them with others.

So, if you are ready to learn how to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube in a legal way, let’s get started!

Tip #1: Define Your Niche and Target Audience

The first step to getting your first 100 subscribers on YouTube is to define your niche and target audience. You need to have a clear idea of what kind of videos you want to make, who you want to watch them, and why they should watch them.

Your niche is the specific topic or category that your videos fall under. For example, your niche could be gaming, beauty, fitness, music, comedy, education, or anything else that interests you and has a demand on YouTube. Your niche should be something that you are passionate about, knowledgeable about, and can provide value to your viewers.

Your target audience is the group of people who are most likely to be interested in your niche and your videos. For example, if your niche is gaming, your target audience could be gamers who enjoy playing or watching certain games, genres, or platforms. Your target audience should be well-defined, so you can tailor your content and marketing to their needs, preferences, and pain points.

To define your niche and target audience, you can do some research on YouTube and other platforms. You can look at what other successful creators in your niche are doing, what kind of videos they make, who their audience is, and what kind of feedback they get. You can also use tools like Google Trends or YouTube Analytics to find out what topics and keywords are popular and relevant to your niche and audience.

Tip #2: Optimize Your Channel and Videos for SEO

The second step to getting your first 100 subscribers on YouTube is to optimize your channel and videos for SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of your channel and videos on YouTube and Google search results. By optimizing your channel and videos for SEO, you can increase your chances of being discovered by your target audience and drive more organic traffic to your channel.

There are many factors that affect your SEO on YouTube, but some of the most important ones are:

  • Your channel name, description, and banner. These elements should reflect your niche, brand, and value proposition. They should also include relevant keywords that describe your channel and videos and match the search intent of your audience.
  • Your video title, description, and tags. These elements should be catchy, clear, and informative. They should also include relevant keywords that describe your video and match the search intent of your audience. You can use tools like YouTube Keyword Too or TubeBuddy to find the best keywords for your videos.
  • Your video thumbnail, intro, and outro. These elements should be eye-catching, engaging, and consistent. They should also convey the main idea, benefit, or hook of your video and encourage your viewers to click, watch, and subscribe. You can use tools like Canva or LenosTube to create professional and attractive thumbnails, intros, and outros for your videos.

Tip #3: Create Quality and Valuable Content

The third step to getting your first 100 subscribers on YouTube is to create quality and valuable content. Quality and valuable content is content that meets or exceeds the expectations of your audience, provides them with useful information, entertainment, or inspiration, and solves their problems or satisfies their needs. Quality and valuable content is also content that is original, authentic, and consistent with your niche and brand.

To create quality and valuable content, you need to:

  • Plan your content ahead of time. You need to have a content calendar that outlines what kind of videos you want to make, when you want to publish them, and how you want to promote them. You also need to do some research on your topic, audience, and competitors, and gather all the necessary resources, tools, and equipment for your production.
  • Produce your content with high standards. You need to ensure that your content has good audio, video, and editing quality, and that it follows the best practices for YouTube. You also need to ensure that your content is engaging, informative, and entertaining, and that it has a clear structure, flow, and call to action.
  • Publish your content with a schedule. You need to upload your content regularly and consistently, preferably at least once a week, and at the same time and day. You also need to optimize your content for SEO, as mentioned in the previous tip, and add relevant end screens, cards, and playlists to your videos.

Tip #4: Promote Your Channel and Videos on Social Media

The fourth step to getting your first 100 subscribers on YouTube is to promote your channel and videos on social media. Social media is a powerful tool to reach and connect with your target audience, increase your exposure and awareness, and drive more traffic and engagement to your channel. By promoting your channel and videos on social media, you can also build your brand, reputation, and authority, and grow your fan base and community.

To promote your channel and videos on social media, you need to:

  • Choose the right platforms for your niche and audience. You need to identify where your target audience hangs out online, and what kind of content they consume and share. You also need to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, and how they fit your goals and strategy. Some of the most popular platforms for YouTube promotion are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, and Pinterest.
  • Create and optimize your profiles and pages. You need to create and optimize your profiles and pages on each platform, and make sure they are consistent with your channel and brand. You also need to include a link to your channel and videos, and a compelling bio and description that showcase your value and personality.
  • Share and distribute your content. You need to share and distribute your content on each platform, and make sure it is relevant, engaging, and tailored to the platform and audience. You also need to use hashtags, keywords, and tags to increase your visibility and reach, and add captions, descriptions, and calls to action to encourage your followers to watch and subscribe. You can use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule and automate your posts.

Tip #5: Engage with Your Audience and Community

The fifth and final step is to engage with your audience and community. Engagement is the key to building trust, loyalty, and relationships with your viewers, and turning them into subscribers and fans. By engaging with your audience and community, you can also get feedback, insights, and ideas for your content, and increase your retention, watch time, and ranking.

To engage with your audience and community, you need to:

  • Respond to comments and messages. You need to respond to comments and messages on your channel and videos, and on social media, and show your appreciation, gratitude, and interest. You also need to answer questions, address concerns, and provide value and support. You can use tools like TubeBuddy or VidIQ to manage and optimize your comments and messages.
  • Ask for feedback and suggestions. You need to ask for feedback and suggestions from your viewers, and show them that you care about their opinions and preferences. You also need to implement their feedback and suggestions, and show them the results and outcomes.
  • Collaborate with other creators and influencers. You need to collaborate with other creators and influencers in your niche and industry, and create and share content that benefits both of your audiences and communities. You also need to cross-promote each other’s channels and videos, and give shoutouts and credits.


Getting your first 100 subscribers on YouTube is not impossible, but it does require some work and dedication. By following these five tips, you can increase your chances of reaching this milestone and growing your channel in a legal way. Remember, quality and value are the most important factors for YouTube success, so focus on creating and delivering the best content for your audience, and the subscribers will follow.

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. If you did, please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.